The duplicity of constellations
In the evening my wife and I set off

along the shingle foreshore
adrift each held by a separate geography.
She collects shells or glass-rock,

attuned to the details of objects,

the way they might be split
is merely a three-dimensional representation
of what it once was.
When we reached the far tip of the bay,

there was no horizon between

and the duplicity of constellations
was cast all around me.
Light defined before an interpretative eye.

A child with a pen joining dots.
Cameron hails from Hastings, NZ. He studied history at Waikato University and works as an Archivist. He recently spent time living and working in Papua New Guinea, and will be back there when Blackmail 37 is published. His poetry has appeared in Snorkel, Cordite, and Trout.