Name: Carole Nelson Phillips
country : New Zealand

Carole returns with works as stirring and powerful as ever - not afraid to push her audience toward unexplored landscapes with works that stand up and are counted.
Needless to say we here at BMP love her...
- Editors Blackmail Press

fathers daughter

when I asked
your father to leave
he took a cardboard
box of clothes
his stash & needles
& a choice of various beds

I started working
at the local pub

some nights I'd pack
your pink bag,
leave you with the sitter
to wait for your father
to come

you'd be there when
I came home at midnight

this week you phoned
twice, said you'd come
by train, said you were
missing your child,

and knew how
your father must have felt

we still haven't seen you

and I'm pleased
the child is younger
than you were
& doesn't really know

who you are

'P' - I'm not afraid to say its  name

we communicate
through lawyers
social services
I've joined
raising grandchildren
I'm not the only one
tired & angry

my future of words
& clay, my freedom
are gone now
I am no longer
who I was

the child walks
on sure feet
today I took her
into my neglected garden
showed her violets
thorns to be avoided

the rose you always
said would be your
wedding bouquet
thrives but I don't
pick its blooms
just weed around
its base

she squats beside me
intent on my task
her small hand
on my  shoulder

this new beginning
listening to  her grow
watching for sounds
I understand
her language

word reaches me
of the depth of
your addiction
your associations

at night in bed
I see the shape
position of
your fingers on
cello strings
your half widows peak
the shape of your mouth

guilt & sorrow
show themselves
in the grey beneath
my blood red hair

I will not
let this child go

carole nelson phillips
new zealand