Watching the wheels go round from Clarks Lane Footbridge

Speeding man sexting, woman accidentally crosses a lane sexting back, car full from the office party drunk and loud, anxious drug courier getting stoned trying to calm his tightening gut, a bus driver is focused on the shadow coming up behind him, an ambulance driver returning from a call gobbles a Big Mac, laughing birthday girl having FaceTime with laughing mate, two car thieves cruise to the chop-shop and a big payday,

A retiree heading home after bowls wondering what to watch on TV tonight, if her husband has finally mown the lawn, a young warehouse logistics specialist plots revenge on the dickwad at the office, cranks up his Spotify Fat Freddy’s Drop playlist, a zoned-out divorced truckie is sipping rum glued to the gloom ahead, in a Hi-Ace van a plumber weaves in and out of traffic, middle finger flashes, rides the pyroclastic surge!

Mum takes son to get braces, dad bringing daughters home from a fraught practice,
grandparents early to babysit the twins, first-year teacher tries to wind down, WINZ staffer gets an erection over his strident boss, New World checkout solo-mum grips the steering wheel, grinds her teeth, service station manager looks forward to a gym workout, urge-surfer wonders whether to hit the TAB, the casino or the strip club first,

An off-duty cop goes for groceries with a long list, beer underlined, fearful middle-aged CEO going to the dentist, unemployed girl tense about an interview, checks her hair in the rearview mirror again, a slow-driver vapes enthusiastically before he gets home, two teenagers in love cruising with the windows down make their way to the beach, assuming life is this amazing all the time.

Keith Nunes (Aotearoa-New Zealand) has had poetry, fiction, haiku and visuals published around the globe. He creates ethereal manifestations as a way of communicating with the outside world.