blackmail press 39
Mepa Taufa-Vuni
New Zealand

Four Steps To Standing on a Horse - Penny Howard - 2014
The Ocean in Us
Fāfā konga tahi ki ai

(for Malama, Tash, Kohu)

the vastness of the ocean
is like a woman’s heart you said
deep, wide and unpredictable
you sweep the waves with your fingers
fāfā konga tahi ki ai
taste it you said
lick it with your tongue
roll it around your mouth
the saltiness prolongs us
it is the ocean in us
fāfā konga tahi ki ai

the waves rise and roll
your torso you said
ripples of the waves
put your hands there you said
feel the waves
feel the warmth
aware of the familiar water
it is the ocean in us
fāfā konga tahi ki ai

the ocean is unpredictable
like a woman’s heart
the darkness in the ocean
hides its treasures
feel me there you said
feel the darkness
taste the darkness
find the treasures
don’t be scared you said
it is the ocean in us
fāfā konga tahi ki ai

the tide comes in
bringing in raw pleasures
can you feel the ocean
exploding roaring against the reef
can you see it
can you hear it
can you taste it
flavouring the seaweeds
digging into the sands
it is the ocean in us  you said
fāfā konga tahi ki ai

Feasting the eyes

  (Talanoa with Frances Nelson)

I've watched them climbing the ladders of birthdays
I've watched them blowing their 1st and 21st candles
I've watched them getting poorer and poorer
‘Why are your people like that?’ others asked
They are feeding the eyes
Foolishly feasting the eyes of others

I've watched them giving away their koloa
Their fine mats and many more mats
Their toiled tapa thrown away for a mafana
I've watched them lining up at the loan sharks
I've watched them signing their life away
‘Why are your people like that?’ others asked
They are feeding the eyes
Foolishly feasting the eyes of others

I've watched them sleeping in garages
A tattered tupenu as curtains
Blocking out the wrenching wings of winter
I've watched their children huddling for warmth
Is this our ‘mafana’ – our warmth lost?
For foolishly feasting the eyes of others?
I've watched them forgetting their children
I've watched them ignoring education
I've watched them toiling for nothing
‘Why are your people like that?’ others asked

Others looked at them with sad sympathetic eyes
As they toiled in the land of milk and honey
Sweated and striven – working long hours with little pay
Just for foolishly feasting the eyes of others
Nothing for their children
Nothing for their future
Just feasting others’ eyes
Just foolishly feasting others’ eyes