blackmail press 25
Ruth Arnison
New Zealand

cast down - mephisto jones
Ruth Arnison works in the Student Office in a  secondary school in Dunedin. Her poems have appeared in journals and ezines including Deep South, Takahe, Cadenza, Orbis,  foam:e, Snorkel, and Right hand pointing. With assistance from PitWR (UK)  she is coordinating  Poems in the Waiting Room (NZ), an arts in health project, in Dunedin.  See
Wheatgerm and Jesus

Dear Ms Fulham Brown

I believe you are aware we no longer provide
religious instruction at school. While we respect
your beliefs we can no longer tolerate Genevieve’s
attempts to reintroduce this subject 

At morning talk last Monday she informed the class
Jesus was shot when his band came to NZ a few years
ago. While she had their full attention she was able to
enlighten them that Jesus’ dad, Joe, was a  carpenter
and his mum, Mary, drove the local bookbus

The library had a record number of issues on the bookbus
last week. While we do encourage the children to read and
certainly agree a lively imagination is beneficial to their
health we would ask  you to monitor Genevieve’s reading
and religious interpretations

Genevieve is always eager to contribute to class discussions
but I do feel she may need to revisit some health issues at
home as she has led the class to believe that you keep jars
of germs in your fridge

If I can be of any further help please don’t hesitate to contact me

Yours sincerely

Miss Finch