blackmail press 40
Vivienne Plumb
first published issue 12

The fecund people - Andy Leleisi'uao 2014
Last Visit to Grass Street
For Lauris Edmond                    

The grandchildren meet me
at the door, the way you would
have liked. They say you are
wearing your favourite dress.

I cannot remember
if you have your shoes on.

What a tiny coffin
you are lying in,
the lid leaning casually
against your bedroom wall.

On the way home I stop
to shop in Chan’s.
Hanging over the open freezer
cabinet, I select a packet
of frozen banana leaves.
La Choi tuoi, Flying Goose
Brand, and I press the hard cold
square against my swollen cheeks.

Sing the leaf, sing Flying Goose Brand
banana leaf, always large
and pliable. Grass Street moves
into a mythological area
in my brain, and now I can never
cook grilled fish in a banana leaf
without that aromatic subtle
flavour making me think of you.